Monday, January 16, 2012

Rant, rant, rant aka blah, blah, blah

So Ive had this evil rant on my brain for a few weeks now and its not going anywhere so I guess the best thing to do is to write it down for posterity and hope it stops trying to eat a hole through my brain. Its all about evil corporate giants such as Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Target, I would add KMart but they went broke trying to keep up with Walmart so even a corporate giant can be disolved if Walmart so deems. I can remember when these giants wanted to move into our areas, we scoffed at the petitioners who said they were destroying small business, adding that if they wanted to move in, there was nothing we could do to stop them. Actually there was, instead of giving in, we should have banned their stores and kept shopping at the mom and pop stores that are now out of business or so far in the hole just trying to keep their doors open. We justify shopping there cause well, why shouldnt we get the lowest price possible? We dont really care at whose cost is it, its cheap, right? These stores have created the destruction and death of small business and do we really even care? They can make or break a product or company if they like, an example is if you shop at walmart and they no longer carry your favorite product, you buy the competitor. Why waste the gas and pay a higher price elsewhere? Most dont even question why they no longer carry their favorite brand, they just buy a different one. Who really cares about the reason why right? Who really cares if the distributor or company suffers a financial loss, you are still saving money, it doesnt affect you, right? We complain that people dont care anymore, but we fail to see the connection between small business and relationships. We have been desensitized to small business, a fact that makes our government very happy. They are well on their way to creating a two class society, the rich and the poor, there will be no middle ground soon because the middle ground were the small businessmen who actually cared and gave back to their community. They can no longer survive because corporate america gives the deals to the evil giants and the small man cant even begin to compete. As far as you know you are getting a great deal right? Did you know that every foot of shelf space is paid for by the person/company that displays there? Did you know that the reason your favorite product leaves the shelf is that another company could afford to pay a higher price for that shelf space? Did you know that these companies get prices on products that are close to cost? Is it passed on to you? If you think it is, think again. This is why your grocery stores have higher prices, they cant afford to buy in bulk like the evil giant, and the evil giant counts on that. The evil giant would like all the strip malls, grocery stores, shopping districts closed, and you rely only on them and the product that pays the most to be in their store. And when you go there and they have 50 cash registers and you are standing 50th in line at one of the two or three that are open, dont complain, I mean, they need to make more money so why pay for more employees, you can afford to wait, I mean, you are getting such a great deal, right? If more people would care, less would shop at Walmart and more would shop at the existing mom and pop stores until corporate america has to offer them deals. Lets support the small business man, the person who started trade in america and show the giants that there is more to us than a bottom line!

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